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Wednesday, January 2, 2008


We just received an email from someone in Ohio that saw our office renovation on IKEA's website! John and I recently renovated our new studio in downtown Dayton, TN and virtually everything we used to decorate our space was from IKEA in Atlanta.

I had already forgotten that I entered our renovated space in a contest on IKEA's website over the summer, but I never heard anything back.

After receiving the email, we went online and saw that our office was on the home page for IKEA's Share Your Space!

We want everyone to go online and vote for our renovation!



Joseph Bamber said...

Way to go; your office definitely deserves to win!

Glen said...

I've already expressed how giddy that studio makes me feel. This was a no-brainer.

Anonymous said...

very nice! I went and voted for you! It was nice to meet you guys this weekend and I look forward to seeing you again soon!

PicturesByTracy said...

Congrats! You have my vote!